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  • IBD Care Across the Lifespan

    In this module, we’ll discuss IBD across different life stages. We’ll cover crucial topics such as diagnosis, treatment, transitioning care, lifestyle considerations, and age-specific management strategies to help meet the evolving needs of patients with IBD throughout their lives.

  • Diagnostic Considerations for IBD in the Older Adult

    As the demographic in the United States continues to age, the prevalence of IBD is growing exponentially. In this chapter, we’ll highlight diagnostic considerations for older adults with IBD, in addition to discussing the clinical presentation of this patient population.

    Presented by Adam S. Faye, MD, MS

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  • Management Considerations and Health Maintenance in the Older Adult with IBD

    As the patient population with IBD continues to age, it is important to understand the unique considerations involved in caring for older patients. In this chapter, we’ll highlight the management of older adults with IBD, including the 5Ms of geriatric care, therapeutic management, considerations for surgery, and health maintenance principles.

    Presented by Adam S. Faye, MD, MS

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  • More is on the way

    When it comes to IBD, there’s a lot to cover, and we’ve only begun to scratch the surface. We’re always working on new educational content to help you stay ahead of the curve, so check back often.

    Available from 3 December 2050
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